
E-com Accelerator VC | Figma Design + Custom Website (WIP)

Project Overview:

The Ergode website revamp project aims to transform the digital presence of a dynamic brand aggregator and e-commerce accelerator. With completed UI/UX audit and wireframe stages, the focus shifts to creative design, navigating the challenge of presenting diverse services cohesively while ensuring a user-friendly experience.


1. Structuring Services: Organize Ergode's myriad services into a cohesive and visually appealing layout on the website, prioritizing clarity and ease of navigation.

2.Highlighting Pillars: Spotlight the brand aggregator and e-commerce accelerator pillars prominently on the homepage, providing comprehensive explanations without overwhelming visitors.

3. Reflecting Values: Capture Ergode's values of inclusivity, global brand-building, and commitment to excellence through thoughtful design elements and messaging.


1. UI/UX Audit: Completed an in-depth audit to understand user needs and pain points, informing subsequent design decisions.

2. Wireframe Development: Crafted wireframes to outline the structural framework of the revamped website, ensuring alignment with Ergode's objectives and user expectations.

3. Creative Design: Currently in progress, the design phase focuses on integrating innovative layouts and engaging visuals to effectively communicate Ergode's brand identity and service offerings.


1. Information Overload: Balancing the presentation of numerous services and pillars on the homepage without overwhelming users poses a significant challenge.

2. Maintaining Clarity: Ensuring that the website design remains intuitive and user-friendly while accommodating complex information architecture and content.

Outcomes (Work in Progress):

1. Structural Framework: The completion of wireframes provides a solid foundation for the design phase, guiding the strategic placement of content and navigation elements.

2. Focused Design Iterations: Ongoing design iterations aim to strike the right balance between creativity and functionality, refining visual elements to enhance user engagement and comprehension.



User Interface Design (Work in Progress)

Next Steps:

1. Design Refinement: Continuously refining design elements based on client feedback and user testing to optimize the user experience and achieve project objectives.

2. Development Phase: Transitioning from design to development, where the envisioned website will come to life, incorporating custom features and functionalities tailored to Ergode's needs.

Libérez-vous de la médiocrité : choisissez la puissance inégalée de nos solutions sur mesure !

Libérez-vous de la médiocrité : choisissez la puissance inégalée de nos solutions sur mesure !

Prêt à élever votre marque, captiver votre public et renforcer votre présence numérique ? Choisissez parmi notre gamme de services conçus pour répondre à vos besoins commerciaux uniques. Faites le premier pas vers le succès dès aujourd'hui.

Prêt à élever votre marque, captiver votre public et renforcer votre présence numérique ? Choisissez parmi notre gamme de services conçus pour répondre à vos besoins commerciaux uniques. Faites le premier pas vers le succès dès aujourd'hui.

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