
Webflow Ecommerce + Events : UI Design + Custom Web Development

Project Goals

Legacy Grip aimed to develop a modern, user-friendly website to showcase their extensive range of rigging, camera support, and specialty gear equipment. Key goals included:

- Enhancing customer experience through intuitive navigation and comprehensive product displays.

- Implementing robust ecommerce functionalities for seamless browsing, product selection, and purchasing.

- Highlighting specialty gear and rental packages effectively to cater to diverse customer needs.

Scope of Work

1. Home Page

- Top Stories Banner: Title and auto image carousel.

- Music Production Name Strip: Auto-scroll green-colored strip.

- Our Shows Module: Showcases featured show episodes, content fetched from CMS. Click through featured shows.

- Post Library Module: Displays videos, podcasts, and blogs, with content from CMS.

- Recent Discussion Module: Iframe embed from Discord, or static image if iframe design does not match UI.

- Call to Action with Play Video: Video plays on button click.

- Book Us Module: Three cards representing packages, each with a call to action redirecting to a detailed service page.

2. About Us Page

- Top Stories Banner: Title and image collage.

- Timeline: Three cards and center chain line with milestone dots showcasing key milestones.

- Gear Rental Package: Three cards representing packages, each with a call to action redirecting to a detailed service page.

- Contact Form Section: Form for visitors to leave messages.

3. Shop Page

- Hero Product Banner: Carousel of products.

- Search bar.

- Most Popular Product: Clickable products redirect to detailed product and checkout pages.

- Product Catalog: Two product categories, each with clickable products and a downloadable PDF document provided by the client and uploaded in CMS.

- Product Bundles: Clickable bundles redirect to detailed product and checkout pages.

- Subscribe and Earn Banner: Redirects.

4. Course Landing Page

- Hero Section Video: Static video.

- Static or scrolling banner below top video with partners/collaborators.

- Video Carousel Section: Behind-the-scenes or trailer videos.

- Meet the Instructor Banner: Information about the instructor.

- What You’ll Get Module: Hover effect with descriptions.

- Early Access Payment.

- FAQ Module: Questions and answers related to courses as an accordion.

- Contact Form Section: Form for visitor inquiries.

5. Premium Member Page

- Title with Call to Action.

- Hero Section Video.

- Exclusive Content Section: Three cards showcasing premium content.

- Premium Membership Plan Section: Details on plan cost and call to action redirecting to Stripe payment page.

- Get More with Premium Membership: Hover effect with descriptions.

- Premium Membership Plan: Toggle between yearly and monthly.

6. Truck Service Package

- Title with Call to Action.

- Hero Section Video.

- Inclusions Section: Accordion layout for different inclusions.

- Truck Image Gallery: Auto-scroll section.

- Rental Pack Banner: CTA redirect to Discord community.

7. Vehicle and Camera Rigging Service Package

- Title with Call to Action.

- Hero Section Video.

- Inclusions Section: Accordion layout for different inclusions.

- Vehicle and Camera Rigging Image Gallery: Auto-scroll section.

- Rental Pack Banner: CTA redirect to Discord community.

8. Specialty Gear Service Package

- Title with Call to Action.

- Hero Section Video.

- Inclusions Section: Accordion layout for different inclusions.

- Specialty Gear Image Gallery: Auto-scroll section.

- Rental Pack Banner: CTA redirect to Discord community.

9. Individual Product Page

- Product navigation at top.

- Title.

- Product Images Section: Collage arrangement accommodating five images.

- Product Detailed Information: Text content, variant options, price display, star rating, and buttons for cart and buy now.

- Related Product Section.

- Stripe Payment Page Integration.

10. Terms and Conditions Page

- Title.

- Body Text.

11. Post Library Page

- Title.

- Category Tabs: Three tabs for content categorization (watch, listen, read).

- Search, Filter, Sorting, and Tag Search Functionalities for Post Library content.

- Resource Cards: Some content is Free and some is gated content; gated content requires Premium Plan subscription.

- Premium Plan Banner: CTA redirect to membership purchase, includes Stripe payment page integration.

12. Individual Detailed Post

- Title.

- Category at top & publish date.

- Author Name.

- Image.

- Tag List.

- Body Text.

- Related Posts.

- Ability to add photos & quotes in the middle of articles.

13. Shows Page

- Title.

- Featured Shows Carousel.

- List of All Shows: Free and premium access; subscription required for premium content.

- Search and Sorting Functionalities.

- Premium Plan Banner: CTA redirect to membership purchase, includes Stripe payment page integration.

14. Single Show Page

- Video.

- Title.

- About Show and Details.

- List of Episodes: Free and premium episodes; subscription required for premium content.

- More Shows.

- Premium Plan Banner: CTA redirect to membership purchase, includes Stripe payment page integration.

15. Gallery

- Gallery page will only have collection of images that Legacy Grip team uploads from Webflow CMS.

- Tags, filters, and search by tags.

- Show the user as Legacy Grip for all images.

16. Navigation Menu

- Header: Simple design with links to website pages, logo redirecting to the Blog Home page, and a login button.

- Main Menu Bar with hover for stories. Stories hover would show shows and posts.

- Footer: Includes relevant links, social media icons, and logo.

17. Authentication

- Signup and Login through email and password.

- Signup and Login through Gmail account (Signup with Google).

- The layout features a two-column design, with a signup form positioned on the left side and a static image displayed on the right side of the screen.

# Miscellaneous

- Development Optimization: For fast load times and Figma design accuracy.

- Includes basic animation like hover effect, interactions, fade-ins, scroll speed on the banner.

- Premium banner should disappear across the website if people are a premium member.

- Pop-ups for Newsletter signups and Get % off membership.

UI/UX Design

The project began with a thorough UI/UX design phase:

- Research and Discovery: Conducted market research to understand competitor offerings and customer preferences in the film and photography equipment industry.

- Wireframing and Prototyping: Created initial wireframes and prototypes to outline the website structure and user flow.

- UI Design: Developed a visually engaging design that emphasized Legacy Grip's brand identity while ensuring usability across various devices.

Development (Current Phase)

The development phase focused on implementing the finalized design into Webflow:

- Webflow Setup: Configured the Webflow environment, including setting up CMS collections for products, blog posts, and other content.

- Page Development: Built out essential pages such as homepage, product listings, about us, contact, and individual product pages.

- Ecommerce Integration: Implemented ecommerce functionalities, including product catalog management, shopping cart, checkout process, and integration with payment gateways.

- Membership Features: Developed subscription options for premium members, offering exclusive access to certain products or discounts.

Key Features To be Implemented

- Homepage Features: Designed dynamic banners with featured product carousels and customer testimonials to highlight credibility.

- Product Pages: Integrated detailed product descriptions, multiple image galleries, and related product suggestions to enhance the shopping experience.

- Membership Integration: Implemented subscription options with benefits like early access to new gear releases or special discounts.

- Responsive Design: Ensured the website's responsiveness across various devices to provide a seamless browsing experience.

Libérez-vous de la médiocrité : choisissez la puissance inégalée de nos solutions sur mesure !

Libérez-vous de la médiocrité : choisissez la puissance inégalée de nos solutions sur mesure !

Prêt à élever votre marque, captiver votre public et renforcer votre présence numérique ? Choisissez parmi notre gamme de services conçus pour répondre à vos besoins commerciaux uniques. Faites le premier pas vers le succès dès aujourd'hui.

Prêt à élever votre marque, captiver votre public et renforcer votre présence numérique ? Choisissez parmi notre gamme de services conçus pour répondre à vos besoins commerciaux uniques. Faites le premier pas vers le succès dès aujourd'hui.

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Illustration industrielle
Illustration industrielle