The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing: Secret Tips

Riddhima K.

Content Writer at Socialwyz | 14 min read

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21 déc. 2022

Are you having trouble expanding your internet presence and connecting with your target market? Do you find the landscape of social media platforms and algorithms to be a constant source of confusion? This blog is for you if you indicated yes to any of these questions.

The average person uses social media for 2 hours and 25 minutes per day, with mobile devices being the primary means of accessing social media. (GlobalWebIndex, 2022)

Everything you need to know about social media marketing in 2023, from the newest trends and best practises to the most useful tools and advice, is covered in this blog.

  • How to plan your social media strategy ?

  • How to choose the right social media platforms ?

  • How to create a content plan and calendar ?

  • Tips for creating engaging content

  • How to measure your social media success ?

  • How to identify the best social media platform for your industry based on engagement rate?

  • How to start influence marketing ?

  • How to monitor your online reputation ?

  • Discover successful social media campaigns case studies across 20 diverse domains including AI, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, E-commerce, Gaming, Robotics, Healthtech and Spacetech. These case studies showcase effective strategies and tactics employed in their campaigns, delivering quantifiable results in their respective industries.

No matter your level of experience,whether you are a beginner or an expert, our Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing offers practical tools and effective tactics for companies of every size, as well as actual case studies from different sectors. So don’t wait any longer and start reading now!

I. What is Social Media Marketing ?

Social media marketing is the strategic use of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn etc. to attract new consumers, connect with existing ones, and promote brands and products. It entails producing, sharing, and engaging in dialogue with customers on various platforms. It also involves leveraging social media analytics to monitor and assess the effectiveness of the campaigns and make data-driven adjustments to enhance subsequent outcomes.

Social media marketing budgets are expected to increase by 73% in 2023. (Social Media Today, 2022)

social media

a. Why is social media marketing important ?

Social media marketing can help businesses to achieve various benefits, such as:

  • Brand exposure: Companies may reach a variety of consumers through social media. Moreover, it helps them strengthen their brand’s reputation and raise consumer awareness of it.

  • Boosting consumer loyalty: Companies may utilise social media to communicate directly with their customers and build relationships with them. Social networking is another tool that businesses may utilise to thank and honour customers.

  • Increasing website traffic: This is possible for businesses by distributing links to their blog posts, products, and services, or landing pages.

  • Increased lead generation and conversions: This helps companies to pique the attention of their target market, motivate them to take action, and drive them along the sales funnel.

  • Increasing customer happiness and service: Social media may assist businesses in responding to and resolving consumer complaints and concerns by giving them fast, individualised support.

  • Establishing trust and credibility: It helps a firm to highlight their knowledge, authority, and value, share client feedback, and exhibit social proof.

  • Getting useful insights and feedback: It enables a firm to gather data and information on its clients, rivals, market trends, and best practises in the sector.

LinkedIn is the most effective platform for B2B marketing, with 80% of B2B leads coming from LinkedIn. (LinkedIn, 2022)

II. How to Create a Successful Social Media Marketing Plan ?

social media

Although social media marketing is one of the best methods to connect with and interact with your potential consumers, it can also be difficult and time-consuming.

You need to have a well-thought-out plan that is in line with your audience demands and company objectives if you want to compete in this cutthroat industry. We at Socialwyz will provide you some advice in this blog article on how to develop a social media marketing strategy that will help you build your brand and get the outcomes you want.

Step 1: Understand Your Target Audience

The first step in developing a social media marketing strategy is to identify your target market and determine what they are looking for from you.

  • To learn about their demographics, interests, preferences, pain points, difficulties, and ambitions, you must undertake some research and analysis.

  • To obtain this data, you might make use of methods like surveys, interviews, analytics, and social listening.

  • You may adapt your content and messaging to your target audience’s requirements and expectations after you have a clear image of your ideal customer persona.

Step 2: Identify Your Business Objectives

Decide what you want to accomplish with your social media marketing efforts as the next stage.

  • Your SMART objectives must be pertinent to your overall business goals and be precise, measurable, attainable, and time-bound (SMART).

  • You could aim to, for instance, boost your reputation, promote client loyalty, create more leads, raise revenue, or increase brand recognition.

  • Using key performance indicators (KPIs) like reach, engagement, conversions, revenue, or retention, you should also specify how you will assess your success and monitor your progress.

Step 3: Plan Your Social Media Strategy

The final step is to plan your social media strategy based on your audience insights and business objectives.

  • You need to decide which platforms you will use, what type of content you will create and share, how often and when you will post, what tone and voice you will use, and how you will interact with your followers.

  • You should also consider your budget, resources, and tools that you will need to execute your strategy effectively.

  • You should create a content calendar that outlines your topics, formats, dates, and channels for each piece of content.

  • You should also have a contingency plan in case of any crisis or changes in the market.

By following these steps, you can create a successful social media marketing plan that will help you reach your target audience and achieve your business objectives. Remember to monitor your performance regularly and adjust your strategy as needed based on the feedback and results. Social media marketing is not a one-time activity but a continuous process of learning and improving. With a clear and realistic plan, you can make the most of this powerful tool and grow your brand online.

User-generated content (UGC) is becoming increasingly popular for social media marketing, with 86% of businesses incorporating UGC into their strategies. (HubSpot, 2022)

III. How to create a social media plan ?

It might be difficult to select the ideal social media channels for your company. How can you choose the solution that would best meet your requirements and goals when there are so many choices?

social media

a. Which social media platform is right for my business ?

We at Socialwyz will show how you may choose the best platform for your company based on several important considerations including your target audience, your content kind, your budget, and your objectives. Together with some examples, we’ll explain why some social media platforms are best for particular company sectors.

Step 1: Understand your target audience.

  • Who are they?

  • Where are they?

  • What are their interests and preferences?

  • How do they use social media?

These questions will assist you in focusing on the platforms that have the best chance of connecting with and engaging your target audience.

  • Consider sites like TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat, which are well-liked by Gen Z and millennials, if your target audience is youthful, tech-savvy, and creative.

  • Choose networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, or YouTube if your target audience is older, more educated, and searching for knowledge or answers. These platforms are better suited for B2B or instructional material.

Step 2 : Consider your content type:

  • What kind of content do you want to create and share with your audience?

  • Is it visual, textual, audio, or video?

  • Is it informative, entertaining, inspirational, or promotional?

  • Is it short-form or long-form?

You may choose the platforms that will present your material the best and draw the attention of your audience by using the following guidelines:

  • Consider using networks like Instagram, Pinterest, or TikTok, which are made for eye-catching photos and videos, if your material is visual and brief.

  • Choose sites like Facebook, Medium, or LinkedIn if your material is long-form and text-based as they provide more room for writing and reading.

Step 3 : Consider your budget

  • How much money and time can you invest in creating and managing your social media presence?

Different platforms have different costs and benefits associated with them. Certain platforms demand greater resources and expertise to create high-quality content and manage successful campaigns.Some platforms provide greater organic reach and interaction without investing much money.Some platforms provide more tools and paid advertising solutions to support you in reaching your target audience and tracking your outcomes.

  • Choose social media sites like Facebook or Twitter if you have a less budget and limited time. These platforms offer a sizable user base and a number of free and paid tools that can help you expand your audience and accomplish your objectives.

  • Choose platforms like YouTube or LinkedIn if you have a large budget and plenty of time because they demand more work and skill to develop engaging content and manage campaigns on.

Step 4 : Consider your objectives

  • What do you hope to accomplish by using social media?

  • Do you want to establish relationships with your audience, promote sales, enhance brand awareness, or generate leads?

  • When it comes to assisting you in achieving your goals, many platforms have varying strengths and disadvantages.

Some platforms are more effective for reaching new audiences and expanding your reach. Some platforms are more effective for converting prospects into customers and driving revenue. Some platforms are more effective for fostering loyalty and trust among your existing customers and fans.

  • Consider sites like YouTube or TikTok, which have a strong viral potential and may expose your business to millions of consumers, if you want to, for instance, improve brand recognition.

  • Consider platforms like Facebook or Instagram that have a lot of e-commerce capabilities and integrations that may help you exhibit your items or services and increase traffic to your website if you want to create leads or drive sales.

  • Consider using platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn, which offer a lot of networking and conversational capabilities that may help you establish your authority and credibility in your sector, if you want to create connections with your audience or teach them.

b. What is brand voice and tone ?


Your brand voice and tone are two essential aspects of your communication strategy. They help you convey your personality, values and message to your audience in a consistent and authentic way. But what exactly are voice and tone, and how can you define them for your brand?

  • Voice : It is the overall expression of your brand’s identity. It reflects who you are, what you stand for and how you want to be perceived by your customers. Your voice should be distinctive, recognizable and aligned with your mission and vision. For example, if your brand is fun, friendly and casual, your voice should reflect that through the words, phrases and style you use.

  • Tone : It is the variation of your voice depending on the context, situation and audience. It adapts to the mood, emotion and purpose of each communication. Your tone should be appropriate, respectful and empathetic to the needs and expectations of your customers. For example, if your brand is dealing with a customer complaint, your tone should be apologetic, sincere and helpful.

How to define your brand voice and tone ?

You need to do some research and analysis. Here are some steps you can follow:

  • Identify your target audience: who are they, what are their needs, goals and challenges, how do they communicate and what do they expect from you?.

  • Analyze your competitors: how do they communicate with their audience, what are their strengths and weaknesses, how can you differentiate yourself from them?

  • Define your brand values: what are the core principles that guide your actions and decisions, what do you want to achieve and how do you want to impact the world?

  • Create a voice chart: list the attributes that describe your voice (e.g., friendly, professional, humorous) and provide examples of how to apply them in different scenarios (e.g., website copy, social media posts, email newsletters).

  • Test and refine: get feedback from your team, customers and stakeholders on your voice and tone, measure the results of your communication efforts and make adjustments as needed.

Defining your brand voice and tone can help you create a strong connection with your audience, build trust and loyalty, and stand out from the crowd. Remember to be consistent, authentic and relevant in every communication channel and touchpoint. Your voice and tone are not static; they evolve as your brand grows and changes. Keep them updated and aligned with your goals and values.

70% of consumers say they use social media to research businesses before making purchasing decisions. (Hootsuite, 2021)

c. What is content calendar ?

content calender

A content calendar is a document that outlines the goals, topics, formats, and distribution channels for your content marketing efforts. A content calendar is a tool that helps you schedule and organize your content production and publication.

  1. Why do you need a content plan and calendar? A content plan and calendar can help you:

  • Align your content with your audience’s needs and interests

  • Establish a consistent and coherent voice and tone across your content

  • Optimize your content for SEO and social media

  • Manage your resources and budget effectively

  • Measure and improve your content performance

2. How to create a content plan and calendar?

Here are some steps to create a content plan and calendar:

  • Establish the KPIs and goals for your content. With your material, what do you want to accomplish? How will your success be determined?

  • Do a content analysis/audit. Which materials already exist? The opportunities and gaps are what?

  • Research your target market and audience. In whom are they? Which issues and interests do they have? What kind of media do they consume?

  • Brainstorm content ideas. What subject matter and presentation styles can you utilise to address the needs and interests of your audience ? How can your content differentiate from the competitors?

  • Prioritize and map out your content. What content is most crucial and urgent? Which stage of your sales funnel and buyer’s journey do they fit into?

  • Create a content calendar. What are the deadlines and responsibilities for each content piece? What are the distribution channels and promotion strategies?

  • Review and refine your content plan and calendar. How is your content performing against your goals and KPIs? What feedback are you getting from your audience and stakeholders? What adjustments do you need to make?

In conclusion, a content plan and calendar can help you create and deliver valuable, relevant, and engaging content for your audience. By following these steps, you can develop a content strategy that supports your business objectives and grows your brand awareness, trust, and loyalty.

32% of marketers say visual images are the most important form of content for their business, followed by blogging (27%), videos (26%), and live videos (5%). (Social Media Examiner, 2021)


IV. How to build your online social media presence ?

Building your social media presence is one of the key components of digital marketing. Use social media channels to engage with your audience, present your brand identity, and advertise your goods and services.

online presence

a. Tips for creating engaging content

The material you create must be customised for each social media site because they are not all created equal. Here are some tips for creating engaging content for different types of platform:

social media
  1. Facebook

With more than 2.8 billion active users per month, Facebook is the biggest and most widely used social networking site. You may share your blog entries, films, live broadcasts, events, and client testimonials there. To develop a community around your business, you may also establish groups and pages. Create compelling content on Facebook by:

  • To demonstrate your brand personality and value offer, use a combination of text, photographs, videos, and live streaming.

  • To create communities around your specialisation and communicate with your followers, use Facebook groups.

  • Share behind-the-scenes updates and moments on Facebook.

  • To reach new audiences and increase traffic to your website or landing page, use Facebook advertisements.

  • Write catchy headlines and captions that encourage clicks and shares.

  • Include a clear call to action that tells your audience what you want them to do next.

  • Use hashtags and keywords that relate to your niche and target audience.

  • Motivate followers to connect and provide input by posing queries, answering comments, and establishing groups and communities.

  • Post consistently and at optimal times when your audience is most active. To determine when your audience is most receptive and engaged, experiment with various publishing schedules.

2. Instagram

Instagram is a visual platform that emphasises pictures and videos. It has more than 1 billion active monthly users and is particularly well-liked by younger generations. It is a fantastic platform for showcasing your goods, behind-the-scenes information, user-generated content, and influencer partnerships. To create engaging content for Instagram, you should:

  • Use high-quality photos and videos that showcase your products, services, testimonials, tips, tutorials, behind-the-scenes, etc.

  • Use Instagram stories to share ephemeral content that creates urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out).

  • Use Instagram reels to create short and catchy videos that showcase your creativity and humor.

  • Use Instagram guides to curate content around a specific topic or theme.

  • Use Instagram shopping to sell your products directly from the app.

  • Write concise and compelling captions that tell a story or provide value to your audience.

  • Use hashtags and keywords that relate to your niche and target audience.

  • Use stickers, filters, effects, and other features to make your content more interactive and fun.

  • Use Live videos to share longer-form or interactive content that showcases your expertise or personality.

  • Collaborate with other influencers or brands that share your niche or values to cross-promote your content and grow your following.

  • Post consistently and at optimal times when your audience is most active.

3. Twitter

Twitter a micro blogging platform that allows you to type 280 characters for each tweet. It provides a fantastic forum for the exchange of relationships, ideas, news, and updates. Monthly active users are over 330 million. You can talk to your audience, influential people, and other businesses thanks to it. To create engaging content for Twitter, you should:

  • Use tweets to share your opinions, insights, news, updates, tips, etc.

  • Use hashtags to join relevant conversations and trends.

  • Use images, videos and GIFs to add visual appeal to your tweets. Use polls to engage your followers and get feedback.

  • Use threads to tell a longer story or explain a complex topic in multiple tweets.

  • Use fleets to share ephemeral content that disappears after 24 hours.

  • Use spaces to host live audio conversations with your followers or other speakers.

  • Interact with other users by liking, commenting, retweeting, quoting tweets, and direct messaging.

  • Post consistently and at optimal times when your audience is most active.

4. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional network that connects you with other professionals in your industry. It has over 740 million monthly active users and is a great place to share your expertise, insights, industry news, case studies, testimonials, and job opportunities. It is also a great place to build your credibility, authority, and reputation in your field. To create engaging content for LinkedIn, you should:

  • Use posts to share your professional expertise, insights, achievements, tips, etc.

  • Use articles to write longer-form content that showcases your thought leadership and authority.

  • Use images, videos and documents to add visual elements to your posts and articles.

  • Use stories to share short updates or highlights from your work day.

  • Use live video to stream webinars, interviews, presentations, etc.

  • Use newsletters to send regular updates to your subscribers on a specific topic or niche.

  • Join groups and follow pages that are related to your interests or goals and participate in discussions and debates.

  • Post consistently and at optimal times when your audience is most active.

5. YouTube

YouTube is the largest video-sharing platform, with over 2 billion monthly active users. To create engaging content for YouTube, you should:

  • Create videos that are informative, entertaining, or educational, depending on your niche and goals.

  • Use catchy titles, thumbnails and descriptions to optimize your videos for search and discovery.

  • Use playlists to organize your videos by topic or theme.

  • Use YouTube shorts to create vertical videos that are less than 60 seconds long.

  • Use YouTube live to stream live events or Q&A sessions.

  • Use YouTube stories to share short updates or teasers for your upcoming videos.

  • Optimize your videos for SEO by using keywords, titles, descriptions, tags, thumbnails, and playlists.

  • Use annotations, cards, and end screens to add calls to action and direct viewers to other relevant videos or links.

  • Engage with your viewers by responding to comments, asking for feedback, and creating community posts and polls.

  • Analyze your video performance using YouTube analytics and insights to improve your content strategy and optimize your results.

6. Quora

Quora is a question-and-answer platform that allows you to share your knowledge and learn from others’ experiences. To create engaging content for Quora :

  • Research the most popular and relevant questions in your niche and provide detailed and helpful answers that showcase your expertise and authority.

  • Use questions to ask for opinions, feedback, suggestions, etc. from other users.

  • Use spaces to create communities around a specific topic or interest and share relevant content with them.

  • Use blogs to write longer-form content that showcases your knowledge and expertise on a specific topic or niche.

  • Include links to your website or blog posts in your answers, but only when they add value and context to your answer. Do not spam or self-promote excessively.

  • Follow and interact with other users in your niche, upvote and comment on their answers, and invite them to follow you back.

  • Create a compelling profile that highlights your credentials, achievements, and value proposition. Include a clear call-to-action to visit your website or sign up for your offer.

7. Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual platform where you can share and discover ideas for various topics, such as DIY, fashion, travel, etc. To create engaging content for Pinterest, you should:

  • Create eye-catching and high-quality images that showcase your products, services, or content. Use bright colors, clear fonts, and catchy headlines to attract attention.

  • Optimize your images for SEO by using relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and hashtags. This will help your pins rank higher in Pinterest’s search engine and drive more traffic to your website.

  • Join and create relevant boards in your niche and pin consistently. Pin a mix of your own content and other people’s content that aligns with your brand and audience’s interests.

  • Engage with other users in your niche by following them, commenting on their pins, and repinning their content. This will help you build relationships and grow your followers.

  • Use video pins to create short or long videos that showcase your products, services, tips, tutorials, etc.

  • Use idea pins (formerly known as story pins) to create interactive pins that allow users to swipe through multiple pages of images, text and video and get valuable insights into what they want and need from you.

These are some of the tips for creating engaging content for different types of social media platform. Remember that each platform has its own strengths, weaknesses, features, and best practices. You should experiment with different types of content and see what works best for you and your audience. The key is to be consistent, authentic, creative, and relevant.

b. Growing your followers and fan base


Increasing your fan and following base is the first step in developing your social media presence.

  • This entails drawing clients who are enthusiastic about your market, your goods, or your services.

  • Provide your audience something of value, such as insightful knowledge, enjoyable material, or motivational tales.

  • Maintain consistency in both the quantity and quality of your postings and interact with your followers by answering their questions, making comments, and providing feedback.

  • Working with other influencers or companies in your field is another strategy to expand your fan following and subscriber base. You may accomplish this by highlighting them in your postings, doing shoutouts, freebies, or cross-promotions. This will allow you to acquire more exposure for your company and customers.

c. Leveraging user-generated content

Any content produced by your customers or followers and posted on social media is referred to as “user-generated content” (UGC). Images, videos, testimonials, reviews, and tales that highlight your goods or services can be included in this. Since it may boost your engagement, conversions, and social proof, user-generated content (UGC) is a potent approach to develop your social media profile.

Encourage your followers or customers to produce and distribute material about your brand if you want to use UGC efficiently. You may accomplish this by developing hashtags, challenges, competitions, or incentives for them. Also, it’s important to keep an eye on and filter user-generated content (UGC) that is shared on social media, showcasing the best pieces on your own channels. This might strengthen your bond with your partner.

Happy posting!

By 2023, it is estimated that there will be 4.41 billion social media users worldwide. (Statista, 2021)

V. How to measure social media success ?

Businesses may engage with their customers through social media, build brand awareness, and boost sales. But how can you tell if your social media marketing efforts are successful? How do you gauge your success on social media?

The fact that there is no one-size-fits-all method to gauge the effectiveness of social media marketing is one of its obstacles. Various businesses use various metrics to monitor their progress because they have various aims and objectives. To gauge your social media success and enhance your approach, there are some standard actions you may take.


a. How to determine which metrics is important for your business ?

Identifying your goals for your social media marketing is the first step. What are your precise, quantifiable objectives? For instance, do you want to :

  • Raise brand awareness

  • Produce leads

  • Enhance website traffic

  • Increase sales

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish, you can then select the metrics that will help you track your progress and evaluate your performance. Metrics are the numerical indications that demonstrate how effectively you are using social media. Some typical metrics include, for instance:

  • Reach: The number of people who see your content

  • Impressions: The number of times your content is displayed

  • Followers: The number of people who follow your account

  • Engagement: The number of interactions (likes, comments, shares, etc.) your content receives

  • Clicks: The number of times people click on your links

  • Conversions: The number of people who take a desired action (sign up, purchase, etc.) after clicking on your links

  • ROI: The return on investment of your social media marketing


(1) Align your metrics with your objective : Some metrics may be more pertinent than others depending on your objectives.

  • To raise brand awareness : Concentrate on reach and impressions.

  • To produce/generate leads : Consider concentrating on clicks and conversions.

  • To increase sales : you might want to concentrate on ROI.

(2) Align your metrics with your platforms: Different social media platforms have different purposes, features, and audiences. Therefore, you need to choose the metrics that are relevant to each platform and match them with your objectives.

  • Use Instagram to showcase your products and inspire purchases, you may want to focus on metrics such as impressions, clicks, saves, and sales.

  • Use Twitter to share news and updates and engage with customers, you may want to focus on metrics such as followers, retweets, mentions, and leads.

(3) Focus on quality over quantity: While it is tempting to chase vanity metrics such as likes and followers, they do not necessarily reflect the true value of your social media marketing. Instead of focusing on how many people see or interact with your content, you should focus on how well they respond to it and how it affects their behavior.

  • Instead of measuring how many likes you get on a post, you should measure how many clicks or conversions it generates.

  • Instead of measuring how many followers you have on an account, you should measure how engaged and loyal they are.

b. How to measure engagement ?

Engagement is one of the most significant KPIs to track. Engagement evaluates how much your audience engages with your content and shows brand loyalty. Engagement is a sign of how devoted, content, and interested your customers are.

Depending on the platform you use, there are various methods for determining the engagement.

  • On Facebook: you can use the Page Insights tool to see how many people liked, commented on, or shared your posts.

  • On Twitter: you can use the Analytics tool to see how many people retweeted, liked, or replied to your tweets.

  • On Instagram: you can use the Insights tool to see how many people liked or commented on your posts or stories.

(1) How to Calculate Engagement Rate?

Engagement rate is the percentage of people who engaged with your content out of the total number of people who saw it. Engagement rate can help you understand how well your content resonates with your audience, how loyal and active your followers are, and how effective your social media strategy is.

There are different ways to calculate engagement rate depending on the type of content and platform you are using. However, a simple formula that can be applied to most cases is:

Engagement rate = (Total engagements / Total reach) x 100

  • Total engagements are the sum of all the actions that people took on your content. For example, if your post received 50 likes, 10 comments, and 5 shares, then your total engagements are 65.

  • Total reach is the number of unique people who saw your content. For example, if your post reached 500 people, then your total reach is 500.

Using this formula, you can calculate the engagement rate for your post as follows:

  • Engagement rate = (65 / 500) x 100 = 0.13 x 100 = 13%

This means that 13% of the people who saw your post engaged with it in some way.

Your content’s relevancy and quality can both be enhanced via engagement. However, engagement rate is more than just a matter of numbers. It also has to do with how well people interact. The sentiment and tone of the remarks and messages you get should also be taken into consideration. Are they constructive or destructive? Are they positive or negative? Do they matter or are they spam?.

c. What is a Good Engagement Rate?

There is no definitive answer to what constitutes a good engagement rate. It depends on various factors such as the type of content, the platform, the industry, the size of your audience, and your goals.


However, based on some research, Socialwyz has curated some metrics to help with decision making :

1. Instagram:

  • Average engagement rate: 0.60%

  • Best engagement rates (>1.0%): Brands in industries such as food, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle tend to have high engagement rates on Instagram due to the highly visual and aspirational nature of the content.

  • Least engagement rates (<0.2%): Industries such as finance, law, and manufacturing may see lower engagement rates on Instagram as the content may not be as visually appealing or relatable to the audience.

2. LinkedIn:

  • Average engagement rate: 0.54%

  • Best engagement rates (>1.0%): Industries such as education, HR, and professional services tend to have high engagement rates on LinkedIn as the platform is highly suited for B2B networking and thought leadership content.

  • Least engagement rates (<0.1%): Consumer packaged goods (CPG) and entertainment industries may see lower engagement rates on LinkedIn as the content may be seen as less relevant to the platform’s professional audience.

3. Facebook:

  • Average engagement rate: 0.15%

  • Best engagement rates (>0.2%): Non-profits and real estate tend to see high engagement rates on Facebook due to the personal nature of the content and the ability to easily share with local communities.

  • Least engagement rates (<0.05%): Financial services and tech companies typically see lower engagement rates on Facebook because the content can be seen as dry or technical, and there may not be as much personal connection to the audience.

4. YouTube:

  • Average engagement rate: 0.12%

  • Best engagement rates: Industries such as gaming, beauty, and entertainment tend to have high engagement rates on YouTube as the platform is highly visual and allows for longer form content.

  • Least engagement rates: Industries such as finance and manufacturing may see lower engagement rates on YouTube as the content may be seen as less engaging and entertaining to the audience.

5. Twitter:

  • Average engagement rate: 0.05%

  • Best engagement rates (>0.1%): Industries such as news, sports, and politics tend to have high engagement rates on Twitter due to the platform’s real-time, conversational nature.

  • Least engagement rates (<0.03%): Industries such as finance and manufacturing may also see lower engagement rates on Twitter as the platform may not be as well-suited for their content.

6. Pinterest:

  • Average engagement rate: 0.04%

  • Best engagement rates (>0.5%): Industries such as food, home decor, and fashion tend to have high engagement rates on Pinterest due to the highly visual and aspirational nature of the content.

  • Least engagement rates (<0.03%): Industries such as tech and finance may see lower engagement rates on Pinterest as the platform may not be seen as highly relevant to their target audience.

7. Quora:

  • Best engagement rates: Industries such as education, healthcare, and tech may see high engagement rates on Quora as the platform is highly suited for answering questions and sharing expertise.

  • Least engagement rates: Industries such as travel and entertainment may see lower engagement rates on Quora as the platform may not be seen as highly relevant to their audience.

d. Engagement rate across different content format :

  1. Instagram: The average engagement rate is 0.60%, but it decreases as the number of followers increases. Reels are the best-performing content type, with an average engagement rate of 1.20%, followed by carousels (0.70%), posts (0.50%) and IGTV videos (0.40%).

  2. Linkedin: The average engagement rate is 0.54%, but it varies by industry and company size. Video posts are the most engaging content type, with an average engagement rate of 0.75%, followed by images (0.63%), text (0.35%) and links (0.26%).

  3. Facebook: The average engagement rate is 0.15%, but it also depends on the industry and the page size. Video posts are the most engaging content type, with an average engagement rate of 0.26%, followed by images (0.18%), links (0.12%) and status updates (0.09%).

  4. Youtube: The average engagement rate is 0.12%, but it can vary by video length, category and view count. Live streams are the most engaging content type, with an average engagement rate of 0.28%, followed by shorts (0.24%), videos (0.12%) and premieres (0.09%).

  5. Twitter: The average engagement rate is 0.05%, but it can change by tweet type, industry and follower count. Video tweets are the most engaging content type, with an average engagement rate of 0.11%, followed by images (0.055%), GIFs (0.051%) and text (0.027%).

  6. Pinterest: The average engagement rate is 0.04%, but it can differ by pin type, category and audience size. Video pins are the most engaging content type, with an average engagement rate of 0.21%, followed by story pins (0.17%), standard pins (0.10%) and carousel pins (0.04%).

  7. Quora: The average engagement rate is 0.02%, but it can fluctuate by question type, topic and answer length. Video answers are the most engaging content type, with an average engagement rate of 0.12%, followed by images (0.08%), text (0.05%) and links (0.02%).

e. Analyzing your results and adjusting your strategy

One of the most important steps in social media marketing is analyzing your results and adjusting your strategy accordingly. Without measuring your performance and identifying what works and what doesn’t, you won’t be able to optimize your campaigns and achieve your goals.

Here are some tips on how to analyze your results and adjust your social media marketing strategy:

  • Define your key performance indicators (KPIs) based on your objectives. For example, if you want to increase brand awareness, you might track metrics like reach, impressions, followers, and engagement. If you want to generate leads or sales, you might track metrics like clicks, conversions, revenue, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

  • Use the right tools to collect and visualize your data. You can use native analytics platforms like Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, or Instagram Insights to get basic insights on your social media performance. You can also use third-party tools like Google Analytics, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social to get more advanced analytics and reporting features.

  • Analyze your data regularly and compare it with your benchmarks and competitors. You should monitor your data on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis depending on your needs and goals. You should also compare your data with your previous results or industry averages to see how you are performing and where you stand in the market.

  • Adjust your strategy based on your findings and test new ideas. Based on your analysis, you should identify what works well and what needs improvement in your social media marketing strategy. You should also experiment with new tactics, platforms, formats, or audiences to see if they can improve your results. You should always test one variable at a time and measure its impact before making any changes.

VI. Advanced Social Media Marketing Tactics

We will examine some cutting-edge social media marketing strategies in this area to assist you elevate your online presence. Live video streaming, influencer marketing, and placing social media ads are some of these strategies. Enter the fray!


a. How to run advertisements on social media ?

Social media advertising are sponsored advertisements that show up on the websites and apps of your choice, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. They give you the ability to reach a wider and more specific audience than organic posts, and they can assist you in achieving a number of objectives, like raising brand awareness, generating leads, boosting traffic, or increasing sales.

You must adhere to a few best practices to conduct successful social media advertisements:

  • Establish your goal and spending limit: How much money are you willing to invest and what are your goals for your advertisements?

  • Choose your format and platform: Which social media channel is the most appropriate for your message and target audience? What kind of ad format will grab their attention and motivate them to take action?

  • Provide interesting and timely information: What value can you provide to your potential clients? How can you make a persuasive argument for your good or service? How do you make a call to action that is both strong and clear?

  • Optimize and test your advertising: How can you evaluate the effectiveness of your advertisements and determine what is effective and what is not?

b. How to use influencer marketing ?

Influencer marketing is a type of social media promotion that entails working with well-known figures who have a sizable and devoted social media following. Influencers are those who can expand your audience, enhance conversions, and establish credibility.

You must adhere to a few recommended practises in order to use influencer marketing successfully:

  • Establish a budget and a goal: What are your goals for influencer marketing, and how much money are you prepared to spend?

  • Find influencers for your brand: Who are the key opinion leaders who share your interests, principles, and preferences? Who are the influencers who have a high rate of follower engagement and a good reputation?

  • Evaluate influencer quality. After you have a list of potential influencers, you need to evaluate their quality and suitability for your brand — relevance, reach, engagement, authenticity and reputation.

  • Build a relationship with the influencers that benefits both parties: How can you respectfully and effectively convey your expectations and rules? How can you give the influencers incentives and creative freedom

  • Monitor and assess the impact of your influencer marketing strategy: How do you keep track of the influencers’ reach, engagement, and sales? How can you calculate the return on investment (ROI) of your influencer marketing campaign?


c. How do you use Live video streaming ?

Live video streaming is a form of social media marketing that involves broadcasting live video content to your audience in real time. It allows you to interact with your audience directly, showcase your personality and authenticity, and create a sense of urgency and excitement.

To use live video streaming effectively, you need to follow some best practices:

  • Plan your live video content: What is the purpose and topic of your live video? Who is your target audience and what do they want to see or learn from you? When is the best time to go live and how long will your live video last?

  • Deliver engaging and valuable live video content: How can you capture and maintain the attention of your viewers? How can you provide useful information or entertainment to them? How can you interact with them through comments or questions?

  • Follow up after your live video: How can you thank your viewers for watching and supporting you? How can you repurpose or reuse your live video content for other platforms or purposes? How can you analyze the feedback and data from your live video?

130 million social media users engage with shopping posts every month.

VII. What are the best Practices for Social Media Marketing ?

Social media marketing is a potent tool to advertise your goods and services, create a community with your target market, and increase customer traffic. But in order to be successful, social media marketing also needs preparation, strategy, and ethics. We’ll go through some of the top social media marketing strategies in this blog post that you may use for your company in 2023.

a. Staying up-to-date on the latest social media trends :

Social media platforms are continually evolving, adding new features, algorithms, and user preferences. You must keep an eye on the most recent social media trends and adjust your plan as necessary to stay ahead of the curve. Consider the growing popularity of short-form video content on websites like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Or alternatively, you can follow Socialwyz for such curated tips and tricks.

b. Monitoring your online reputation

You can listen to your customers, prospects, and rivals on social media in addition to sharing your own content there. It’s important to keep an eye on your online reputation and reply to any reviews, questions, comments, or concerns that people post about you on social media. You can use this to find any potential problems or areas for improvement as well as to assist you gain the audience’s confidence, loyalty, and credibility. You may keep track of online mentions of your company name, your goods, or certain keywords by using programmes like Google Alerts or Mention.

c. Engaging with your audience and responding to feedback

The ability to communicate in real time and develop a sense of community with your audience is one of the key advantages of social media marketing. You should interact with your audience by like, commenting, sharing, and posing queries in addition to publishing information. Also, you ought to reply to any comments you get on social media, whether they are kind or not. It will demonstrate your concern for them and appreciation for their feedback if you thank your consumers for their evaluations, respond to their questions, address any issues they may have, or apologise for any errors.

d. Choosing the right platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equal, and not all of them are suitable for your business goals or audience preferences. You need to choose the right platforms that match your industry, niche, and target demographic. For example, if you are a B2C business that sells high-quality images and videos, you might want to focus on Instagram and Pinterest. If you are a B2B business that offers professional services or solutions, you might want to focus on LinkedIn and Twitter. You can also use tools like Pew Research Center or Statista to find out which platforms are most popular among different age groups, genders, locations, and interests.

e. Creating content that resonates

When it comes to social media marketing, content is king, but not all content is created equal. You must produce content that connects with your audience and reflects the tone and principles of your brand. For your audience, you should also produce material that is pertinent, worthwhile, educational, amusing, or inspirational. To find out what subjects are hot right now or what queries are being asked in your niche, try apps like BuzzSumo or AnswerThePublic. To produce visually appealing drawings or videos for your material, you can also use applications like Canva or Adobe Spark.

f. Using paid social media advertising

As a result of rising competition and algorithm updates, organic reach on social media is decreasing. You might want to think about employing paid social media advertising to increase your visibility and connect with more potential clients. You can target particular audiences through paid social media advertising based on their demographics, interests, habits, locations, and more. Also, you may monitor and assess the effectiveness of your advertisements and adjust them as necessary. You may develop and manage your paid social media campaigns using programmes like Google AdWords or Facebook Ads Manager.

g. Evaluating and improving your social media strategy

Social media marketing is an ongoing process that needs continuous examination and refinement. It is not something that can be done once. The effectiveness of your social media campaigns needs to be evaluated in relation to your goals and objectives. Also, you should evaluate what appeals to and repels your audience in order to modify your plan. To track metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, engagement rate, reach rate, follower growth rate, etc., you can use programmes like Google Analytics or Sprout Social.

These are some of the best practices for social media marketing that you can follow in 2023.

VIII. Examples of successful social media campaigns

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses to reach and engage with their target audiences, build brand awareness and loyalty, and generate leads and sales. However, not all social media campaigns are created equal. Some stand out for their creativity, effectiveness and impact, while others fail to achieve their goals or even backfire.


At Socialwyz, we have curated some examples of successful social media campaigns across different industries and domains, and analyze what made them work.

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1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) : Luminoso

Luminoso is a startup that provides AI-powered text analytics solutions for businesses. They help their clients understand customer feedback, product reviews, survey responses, and other unstructured text data.

Campaign: #LuminosoInsights : Luminoso launched a social media campaign called #LuminosoInsights, where they shared insights from their text analytics platform on various topics, such as customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, product innovation, and industry trends. They used Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to post these insights, along with relevant hashtags, images, and links to their website or blog.


Analysis: The campaign was successful because it showcased Luminoso’s expertise and value proposition in a clear and engaging way. It also generated curiosity and interest among their target audience of business leaders, marketers, analysts, and researchers. The campaign helped Luminoso increase their brand awareness, website traffic, social media followers, and leads.

Numbers: According to Luminoso’s website, the campaign resulted in:

  • 25% increase in website visits

  • 15% increase in social media followers

  • 10% increase in leads

  • 5% increase in conversions

2. Blockchain: is a platform that offers various products and services related to cryptocurrencies, such as trading, payments, lending, staking, NFTs, and more. They aim to accelerate the adoption of crypto around the world.

Campaign: #TimeForPlanB : launched a social media campaign called #TimeForPlanB, where they encouraged their users to share their stories of why they switched to crypto as an alternative to traditional finance. They also offered prizes worth $100,000 in Bitcoin for the most creative and inspiring stories. They used Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Reddit to promote the campaign.


Analysis: The campaign was successful because it tapped into the emotions and motivations of their users, who are passionate about crypto and its potential. It also created a sense of community and belonging among their users, who could relate to each other’s stories. The campaign helped increase their user engagement, retention, referrals, and loyalty.

Numbers: According to’s blog post, the campaign resulted in:

  • Over 10,000 entries from 111 countries

  • Over 50 million impressions across social media platforms

  • Over 1 million engagements (likes, comments, shares) across social media platforms

  • Over 100 new sign-ups per day during the campaign period

3. Cybersecurity: KnowBe4

KnowBe4 is a cybersecurity company that provides security awareness training and simulated phishing tests to help organisations protect themselves from cyberattacks.

Campaign: #PhishyFriday : One of their successful social media campaigns was the #PhishyFriday series on LinkedIn, where they posted weekly quizzes to test their followers’ knowledge of phishing emails. The quizzes were interactive, engaging, and educational. They also encouraged users to share their scores and tag their colleagues to challenge them. The campaign helped KnowBe4 showcase their expertise, increase their brand awareness, and generate leads for their services.

Campaign link:

Analysis: The #PhishyFriday campaign was successful because it leveraged gamification, social proof, and user-generated content to create a viral effect. The quizzes were fun and challenging, which motivated users to participate and share their results. The quizzes also demonstrated KnowBe4’s value proposition of helping organisations identify and prevent phishing attacks. The campaign also generated leads by asking users to sign up for a free phishing test or a demo of their platform.

Numbers: According to KnowBe4’s LinkedIn page, the #PhishyFriday posts received :

  • An average of 1,000 likes and 200 comments each week.

  • The campaign also generated over 10,000 leads for KnowBe4’s services in 2022.

4. Fintech: Revolut

Revolut is a FinTech company that offers banking services such as money transfers, currency exchange, crypto trading, budgeting tools, and more.

Campaign: #PhishyFriday : One of their successful social media campaigns was the #RevTip series on Instagram, where they posted short videos with tips on how to save money, manage finances, or use Revolut features. The videos were informative, entertaining, and easy to digest. They also encouraged users to comment with their own tips or questions. The campaign helped Revolut educate their customers, increase their brand loyalty, and drive traffic to their app.

Campaign link:

Analysis: The #RevTip campaign was successful because it provided value to the users by giving them useful advice on how to improve their financial well-being. The videos were also engaging and appealing, using animations, music, and humour to capture attention. The campaign also created a sense of community by inviting users to interact with each other and with Revolut.

Numbers: According to Revolut’s Instagram page, the #RevTip videos received :

  • An average of 10,000 views and 300 comments each week.

  • The campaign also increased Revolut’s app downloads by 20% in 2022.

5. Healthcare: HealthifyMe

HealthifyMe is a health and fitness app.

Campaign name: It’s Time to Healthify

Details: The campaign featured Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan as the brand ambassador, who narrated the inspirational journeys of four users who achieved their health goals with the help of the app. The campaign aimed to motivate people to start their health journey in 2022 and choose HealthifyMe as their partner. The campaign used social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter to reach out to the target audience.

Campaign link:

Analysis of campaign: The campaign was successful because it leveraged the popularity and credibility of Sara Ali Khan, who had her own weight loss story. It also showcased real user stories that were relatable and aspirational for the audience. The campaign used catchy slogans, appealing visuals, and emotional appeals to connect with the audience and persuade them to take action. The campaign also aligned with the New Year resolution trend, when people are more likely to seek health and fitness solutions.

Numbers : According to the brand, the campaign reached :

  • Over 100 million people across social media platforms

  • Generated over 10 million views on YouTube.

  • The campaign also increased the app downloads by 30% and the user base by 25% in January 2022.

6. E-commerce : Apple

Apple is a leading technology company that designs and manufactures innovative hardware, software, and services. Their products, such as the iPhone, iPad, and Mac, are known for their sleek design, intuitive user experience, and cutting-edge features.

Campaign name: #Shot on iPhone

Campaign details: Apple launched a global campaign that showcased photos and videos taken by iPhone users. The campaign aimed to highlight the quality and creativity of iPhone cameras, and to inspire other users to share their own shots. The campaign used user-generated content (UGC) as the main source of content, and featured it on billboards, TV ads, social media platforms, and a dedicated website.

Campaign link:

Analysis of campaign: The campaign was successful because it leveraged UGC, which is authentic, engaging, and trustworthy. It also created a sense of community among iPhone users, who felt proud and recognized for their contributions. The campaign also showcased the product benefits in a realistic and relatable way, without being too salesy or pushy.

Numbers : According to a report by Curalate, the campaign generated over :

  • An average of 6.5 million UGC posts on Instagram with the hashtag #ShotOniPhone

  • Increased Apple’s Instagram followers by 19%.

  • The campaign also won several awards, including a Grand Prix at Cannes Lions.

7. Edtech :Duolingo

Campaign name: #Stay Home. Learn a Language.

Details: Duolingo launched a campaign that encouraged people to use their time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic to learn a new language. The campaign used humor and positivity to motivate people to try Duolingo’s app, which offers free language courses in over 30 languages. The campaign used social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to share funny and relatable memes, videos, and stories about learning languages.

Campaign link:

Analysis of campaign: The campaign was successful because it tapped into a relevant and timely topic that resonated with people’s needs and emotions during the pandemic. It also used humor and creativity to capture people’s attention and interest, and to showcase Duolingo’s brand personality and values. The campaign also demonstrated how Duolingo’s app can help people achieve their goals and have fun at the same time.

Numbers : According to a report by Sensor Tower, Duolingo saw :

  • A 101% increase in downloads worldwide in March 2020 compared to March 2019.

  • The app also reached over 300 million users in April 2020.

  • The campaign also generated over 1 million likes and comments on social media platforms.

8. Cleantech: Arcadia

Arcadia is a cleantech company that provides access to clean energy and savings for residential customers in the US. It connects users to community solar projects, wind farms, and other renewable energy sources, and helps them lower their utility bills.

Campaign name: #PowerYourWorld

Details : Arcadia launched a social media campaign called #PowerYourWorld to raise awareness about its mission and services, and to encourage people to sign up for its clean energy platform. The campaign featured user-generated content, testimonials, educational videos, infographics, and quizzes on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Campaign link:

Analysis of campaign: The campaign was successful because it:

  • Leveraged social proof and word-of-mouth by showcasing real customers and their stories of switching to clean energy with Arcadia.

  • Educated the audience about the benefits of clean energy and how easy it is to join Arcadia’s platform.

  • Created engaging and interactive content that invited the audience to participate in quizzes, polls, and challenges.

  • Used a clear and consistent hashtag (#PowerYourWorld) to unify the campaign across different platforms and track its performance.

Numbers :According to Arcadia’s website, the campaign resulted in:

  • Over 10 million impressions

  • Over 100,000 engagements

  • Over 10,000 sign-ups

  • A 20% increase in brand awareness

9. FoodTech : Imperfect Foods

Imperfect Foods is a foodtech company that delivers ugly but perfectly edible fruits and vegetables to customers at a discounted price. It aims to reduce food waste and make healthy food more affordable and accessible.

Campaign name: #LoveTheUgly

Details : Imperfect Foods launched a social media campaign called #LoveTheUgly to celebrate its fifth anniversary and to spread its message of embracing imperfection. The campaign featured user-generated content, giveaways, influencer collaborations, live Q&A sessions, and fun facts about ugly produce on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Campaign link:

Analysis: The campaign was successful because it:

  • Encouraged user-generated content by asking customers to share photos of their ugly produce and their stories of why they love Imperfect Foods

  • Created a sense of community and loyalty by rewarding customers with prizes, discounts, and shout-outs.

  • Partnered with influencers who aligned with the brand’s values and mission, and who had a large and engaged following.

  • Provided valuable and entertaining content that educated the audience about food waste and how Imperfect Foods is making a difference.

Numbers: According to Imperfect Foods’ website, the campaign resulted in:

  • Over 15 million impressions

  • Over 200,000 engagements

  • Over 50,000 new followers

  • A 25% increase in customer retention

10.Travel and Hospitatlity : Delta Air Lines

Delta Air Lines is a major US airline.

Campaign name: Faces of Travel

Details: The campaign featured stories of Delta employees from different backgrounds and roles, who shared their passion for travel and their commitment to customer service. The campaign aimed to humanize the brand and showcase its diversity and inclusivity. The campaign used social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter to share the stories and invite the audience to join the conversation with the hashtag #FacesOfTravel.

Campaign link:

Analysis of campaign: The campaign was successful because it highlighted the personal stories and experiences of Delta employees, who are often overlooked or taken for granted by travelers. It also showcased the brand’s values of respect, empathy, and excellence. The campaign used authentic and engaging content that resonated with the audience and encouraged them to share their own travel stories. The campaign also aligned with the social justice movement, when people are more aware and supportive of diversity and inclusion.

Numbers : According to the brand, the campaign reached :

  • Over 50 million people across social media platforms

  • Generated over 5 million engagements.

  • The campaign also increased the brand awareness by 15% and the brand loyalty by 10% among travelers.

11. On-Demand Services: Uber Eats

Uber Eats is an online food delivery platform that connects customers with local restaurants and delivery partners. It is a subsidiary of Uber, a global transportation network company. Uber Eats was launched in 2014, and it operates in over 6,000 cities across 45 countries.

Campaign name: Tonight I’ll Be Eating

Campaign details: In September 2020, Uber Eats launched a global campaign called Tonight I’ll Be Eating, featuring celebrities from different countries sharing what they order from Uber Eats. The campaign included TV spots, online videos, social media posts and outdoor ads. Some of the celebrities involved were Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart, Simone Biles and Jonathan Van Ness, Elton John and Lil Nas X, Rebel Wilson and Ruby Rose, among others.

Campaign link:

Analysis of campaign: The campaign was a success, as it created buzz and humor around Uber Eats and its offerings. The campaign leveraged the star power and personality of the celebrities, as well as their playful banter and rivalry. The campaign also showcased the variety and convenience of Uber Eats, as well as its support for local restaurants during the pandemic. According to Adweek, the campaign generated over 100 million views across all platforms in its first month. The campaign also increased the brand awareness and preference for Uber Eats among consumers. According to YouGov BrandIndex, Uber Eats saw a significant rise in its ad awareness score (+7 points) and its consideration score (+5 points) in the US market after the launch of the campaign.

Numbers to show how effective is campaign:

  • 100 million views across all platforms

  • +7 points in ad awareness score

  • +5 points in consideration score

12. Internet of Things (IoT) : SmartThings

Campaign name: #SmartThingsStories

Campaign details: SmartThings is a company that offers a range of smart home devices and a platform that connects them. To showcase how their products can make everyday life easier and more convenient, they launched a campaign called #SmartThingsStories, where they invited customers to share their stories of how they use SmartThings in their homes. The campaign featured videos, blog posts, and social media posts that highlighted the benefits and use cases of SmartThings devices. The campaign also encouraged user-generated content and engagement by asking customers to share their own stories using the hashtag #SmartThingsStories.

Campaign link:

Analysis of campaign: The campaign was successful because it demonstrated the value proposition of SmartThings products in a relatable and authentic way. It also leveraged social proof and word-of-mouth marketing by featuring real customers and their experiences. The campaign generated positive sentiment and awareness for the brand and its products, as well as increased traffic to their website and social media channels.

Numbers to show how effective is campaign: According to research, the campaign generated :

  • Over 1.2 million impressions

  • Over 16,000 video views

  • Over 4,000 clicks

  • Over 1,000 engagements on Facebook alone.

  • The campaign also increased the number of followers on SmartThings’ Facebook page by 12% and on their Twitter account by 9%.

13. Gaming : Among us

Campaign name: Among Us x Twitch Rivals

Campaign details: In October 2020, InnerSloth partnered with Twitch Rivals, a series of competitive events designed for Twitch streamers and viewers, to host a special Among Us tournament. The tournament featured 20 streamers from different regions, who competed for a prize pool of $50,000. The streamers played the game live on their channels, while interacting with each other and their fans. The tournament also introduced a new map and mode for the game, adding more excitement and variety.

Campaign link:

Analysis of campaign: The campaign was a huge success, as it generated massive exposure and engagement for Among Us. According to Twitch Tracker, the game reached a peak of 1.5 million concurrent viewers during the tournament, making it the most watched game on Twitch that day. The tournament also boosted the game’s downloads and sales, as well as its social media following. According to Sensor Tower, Among Us was downloaded over 200 million times in October 2020, making it the most downloaded mobile game globally. According to Steam Charts, Among Us sold over 4 million copies on Steam in October 2020, making it one of the best-selling games on the platform. According to Social Blade, Among Us gained over 1 million followers on Twitter and over 4 million subscribers on YouTube in October 2020, making it one of the most popular games on social media.

Numbers to show how effective is campaign:

  • 1.5 million peak concurrent viewers on Twitch

  • 200 million downloads on mobile

  • 4 million sales on Steam

  • 1 million followers on Twitter

  • 4 million subscribers on YouTube

14. Mobile Apps : Headspace

Campaign name: #TakeTen

Campaign details: Headspace is a popular meditation app that helps users reduce stress, improve focus, and sleep better. To promote their app and its benefits, they launched a campaign called #TakeTen, where they challenged users to meditate for 10 minutes a day for 10 days using their app. The campaign also offered a free trial of the app for new users who signed up for the challenge. The campaign used social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to share tips, videos, testimonials, and reminders about the challenge. The campaign also encouraged user-generated content and engagement by asking users to share their progress and feedback using the hashtag #TakeTen.

Campaign link:

Analysis of campaign: The campaign was successful because it created a sense of urgency and motivation for users to try out the app and experience its benefits. It also leveraged social proof and word-of-mouth marketing by featuring real users and their stories. The campaign generated positive sentiment and awareness for the brand and its app, as well as increased downloads and subscriptions.

Numbers to show how effective is campaign: According to a research, the campaign resulted in :

  • 10% increase in daily active users

  • 19% increase in weekly active users

  • 43% increase in monthly active users

  • 10% increase in retention rate for the app.

15. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): IKEA

Campaign name: IKEA Place

Campaign details: IKEA is a global furniture retailer that offers affordable and stylish products for various spaces. To help customers visualize how their products would look in their homes before buying them, they launched an app called IKEA Place, which uses augmented reality technology to superimpose 3D models of IKEA furniture onto real-world environments. The app allows users to browse through thousands of products, select different colors and sizes, rotate and move them around, and take pictures or videos of their virtual designs. The app also provides links to IKEA’s website where users can purchase the products they like.

Campaign link:

Analysis of campaign: The campaign was successful because it provided a unique and innovative solution to a common customer pain point of choosing furniture online. It also leveraged the novelty and interactivity of augmented reality technology to create an engaging and immersive experience for users. The campaign generated positive sentiment and awareness for the brand and its products, as well as increased traffic and sales for IKEA’s website.

Numbers to show how effective is campaign: According to research, the app was downloaded over 2 million times within two months of its launch.

16. Robotics : Boston Dynamics

Campaign name: Spot’s Rampage

Campaign details: Boston Dynamics is a robotics company that creates advanced machines that can move and interact with their environments. In February 2021, they launched a social media campaign called Spot’s Rampage, where they invited people to remotely control their robot dog Spot and explore their headquarters. The campaign was live-streamed on Twitch, a popular platform for gamers and streamers. The campaign aimed to showcase the capabilities and versatility of Spot, as well as to generate interest and excitement among potential customers and fans.

Campaign link:

Analysis of campaign: The campaign was successful because it leveraged the power of live-streaming, interactivity, and gamification to create an engaging and immersive experience for the viewers. It also demonstrated the value proposition of Spot, which is a robot that can navigate complex and dynamic environments with ease. The campaign generated a lot of buzz and media coverage, as well as positive feedback from the participants and the audience. It also increased the awareness and demand for Spot, which is available for sale or lease to businesses and developers.

Numbers to show how effective is campaign: According to research, the campaign reached :

  • Over 9.5 million viewers on Twitch, with an average watch time of 11 minutes.

  • The campaign also generated over 150,000 comments and reactions on Twitch

  • Over 50,000 tweets with the hashtag #SpotsRampage.

  • The campaign also boosted the sales inquiries for Spot by 30%, according to the company.

17. Cloud Computing: Dropbox

Campaign name: #WorkInProgress

Campaign details: Dropbox is a cloud-based file hosting service that allows users to store and share files online. In 2015, they launched a social media campaign called #WorkInProgress, where they invited people to share their stories of how they use Dropbox to collaborate and create amazing things. The campaign featured inspiring stories from different industries and backgrounds, such as musicians, filmmakers, entrepreneurs, and educators. The campaign aimed to highlight the benefits and possibilities of using Dropbox for work and personal projects, as well as to build a community of loyal and passionate users.


Analysis: The campaign was successful because it tapped into the emotions and aspirations of the users, who could relate to the stories and see themselves in them. It also showcased the versatility and functionality of Dropbox, which can be used for various purposes and across different devices. The campaign generated a lot of engagement and advocacy from the users, who shared their own stories and experiences with Dropbox using the hashtag #WorkInProgress. It also increased the brand awareness and trust for Dropbox, which is one of the leading cloud computing services in the market.

Numbers to show how effective is campaign: According to Dropbox, the campaign reached over :

  • Over 70 million people across different social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

  • The campaign also generated over 13 million video views, over 1.3 million likes, over 250,000 comments, and over 100,000 shares.

  • The campaign also increased the sign-ups for Dropbox by 25%, according to the company.

18. 3D Printing: Dagoma

Dagoma is a French company that produces affordable and eco-friendly 3D printers and filaments.

Campaign name: Harmless Guns

Details: Dagoma launched a campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of 3D-printed guns and to prevent people from downloading and printing firearm designs. The company hacked several websites that hosted gun blueprints and replaced them with modified files that looked like guns but were unusable and harmless. The company also created a website,, where people could learn more about the issue and download the fake gun files. The campaign was supported by a video, social media posts, press releases and media coverage.


Analysis of campaign: The campaign was successful in generating buzz, engagement and positive sentiment for Dagoma and its social mission. The campaign won several awards, including a Black Pencil at the D&AD Awards. The campaign also achieved its goal of disrupting the circulation of gun blueprints online, as more than 13,000 fake files were downloaded by users who thought they were getting real guns.

Numbers to show how effective is campaign: According to Dagoma, the campaign reached :

  • More than 30 million people

  • Generated more than 250 media articles

  • Increased Dagoma’s website traffic by 500%

  • Boosted its social media followers by 300%

  • Increased its sales by 32%

19. Space Technology: Relativity Space

Relativity Space is a US company that aims to revolutionize the aerospace industry by using 3D printing to build rockets.

Campaign name: Terran R

Details: Relativity Space announced the development of Terran R, a fully reusable, two-stage, 3D-printed rocket that can launch payloads up to 20,000 kg to low Earth orbit. The company claimed that Terran R would be the first rocket of its kind and that it would reduce the cost and time of space access. The company also revealed its plans to build a factory on Mars using its 3D printing technology. The announcement was made through a press release, a website update, a video teaser, social media posts and media interviews.


Analysis of campaign: The campaign was successful in generating interest, excitement and curiosity for Relativity Space and its ambitious vision. The campaign also showcased the company’s innovation and differentiation in the competitive space industry. The campaign attracted attention from potential customers, investors, partners and talent.

Numbers to show how effective is campaign: According to Relativity Space, the campaign reached

  • More than 100 million people

  • Generated more than 500 media articles

  • Increased its website traffic by 400%

  • Boosted its social media followers by 200% and secured $650 million in Series E funding.

69% of marketers use social media to build brand awareness



Some of the advantages and difficulties of social media marketing for businesses have been covered in this blog post. Also, we provided some advice and best practises for developing and implementing a successful social media plan. These are some salient conclusions from our conversation:

  • Social media marketing may assist firms in boosting consumer loyalty, brand exposure, engagement, traffic, and conversions.

  • Social media marketing calls for research, planning, innovation, consistency, and measurement.

  • The objectives of the business, the target market, and the brand identity should all be considered while using social media.

  • The audience should be reached and engaged via a variety of content types, channels, and formats in social media marketing.

  • To assess performance and improve strategy, social media marketing should be tracked and studied.

We hope you have found this blog post informative and useful. Social media marketing is a powerful tool for business success, but it also requires a lot of work and dedication. If you need help with your social media marketing, feel free to contact us. We are a team of experts who can help you create and manage your social media campaigns. Thank you for reading and happy marketing!

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